Me in my happy place!

Erin Rigney

View my CV | Artist Bio

Growing up in and around the ocean, I have always been drawn to and soothed by the natural elements. Salt seasons everything it touches, including me. I seek the elements for inspiration and reconnection to myself and my creativity. This deep slowing down in nature anchors my ability to gain perspective on the often-overlooked details of life and tap into the unlimited power of its flow.

My artistic sensibilities prioritize abstracting the essence of an experience, the power of color, and mood-evoking designs steeped in simplicity. My endeavors are rooted in trust, and my ethereal, creative offerings strive to embody the peaceful delight in paying attention and communing with nature’s divine flow.

Who am I? Painter, business owner, graphic designer, problem solver, creative whirlwind, and, most importantly, mom. I see the delicate dance of nurturing the developing human soul as the most important creative work on the planet. Besides that, I love to create—be it with paint, pen, paper, wax, or clay—capturing moments, ideas, and textures is my life's desire.

Welcome to my world!

If you would like to learn more or get in touch please reach out to me via or 970.948.3500.


Learn more about Erin’s Shellscapes Collection in “The Full Conversation,” where Home Life & Styles TV Show host Parker Kelley interviews Erin.

“Seeking Light in the Darkness,” Shellscape by Erin Rigney. SOLD

“Seeking Light in the Darkness,” Shellscape by Erin Rigney. SOLD

Your work is absolutely stunning. The energy, light and flow is truly Divine. Thank you for your willingness to say YES to being a creative channel of this magnitude. Your art truly transforms and heals and we need artists like you to continue to hear the call and go for it.
— Alexis Cohen